
sponsors celebrating

EXPO DATE: October 26, 2024

The DISABILITY Resource Expo relies on support from business and community sponsors to lead the way in creating the most recognized resource expo in East Central Illinois. Through your support:

  1. The Expo will offer Champaign County and East Central Illinois residents the opportunity to learn more about available resources in our area.
  2. The Expo will link individuals with disabilities and their families to the community resources that will enable them to live more independently.
  3. The Expo will help educate all citizens about disabilities and how, together, we can make a difference!
  4. The Expo will offer materials available in alternative formats, such as large print, disk, braille, etc.
  5. The Expo has become recognized as a critical area resource event.

Six sponsorship levels are offered and can be monetary or in-kind support. To discuss the possibility of becoming a sponsor, please contact event coordinators Allison Boot ([email protected]) or Dylan Boot ([email protected]). Supporters must pledge their sponsorship by the annually posted due dates to receive full acknowledgement.

Diamond Level ($1000+)

  • All benefits of Gold Level (see below), plus
  • Logo on back cover of Expo Resource Book and on the website
  • Logo recognition on Premium Platinum sponsorship signs at central location at Expo
  • Full page ad (premium placement) in the Expo Resource Book
  • Company/organization name mentioned in publicity and promotion whenever possible

Platinum Level ($500-$999)

  • All Gold benefits (see below), plus
  • Your logo placed on main acknowledgement sign at central location at the Expo
  • Full page ad (upgraded from ½ page as in Gold Level) in the Resource Book

Gold Level ($300-$499)

  • Listed as a sponsor on main acknowledgement sign at central location at the Expo
  • A ½ page advertisement in the Expo Resource Book
  • One commercial booth space if desired. Retail sales are permitted. ($300 sponsorship includes one 10ft by 6ft booth space - adjoining (double) space is an additional $200. Booth availability is limited to disability-related service and resource provider organizations.)

Silver Plus Level ($150-$299)

  • A ¼ page advertisement in the Expo Resource Book

Silver Level ($100-$149)

  • A Business Card size advertisement in the Expo Resource Book

Friends Reaching Out for Answers (Under $100)

  • Acknowledgement letter

Consider becoming a SponsorExhibitor or Volunteer.


Thrivent Financial East Central Illinois Group

A full 2024 DISABILITY Resource Expo Sponsor list will be revealed in early October.

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